General Garage Door Tips

Justin Horton

4/30/20221 min read

Below are a few rules and good practices to adhere to avoid serious injury.

1. WAIT!
Always wait until your garage door is fully closed before leaving your garage. This will help avoid any injury to children or pets.

2. Door Openers May Need Changed
If you have a sluggish door, it may be a sign that your door opener needs changed. Contact a door technician and schedule a diagnosis and learn of possible solutions.

3. 6 Inch Rule
Photo eyes should be installed at least six inches from floor to reduce the risk of a person or pet not being detected properly.

4. 5 Foot Rule
Keep the garage door button at least five feet above floor to avoid use by children.

5. Garage Door Remotes
Keep garage door remotes out of the reach of children. Tell your kids about the dangers of garage doors and that garage door remotes are not a toy.

For any additional safety concerns or questions, Contact us!